How have you been these past few days? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Spiritually?
Ok, you say? That is the response we generally give, isn’t it? After all, no matter what happens, we’ll figure it out.
No directions needed.
But, just like a good tool or instrument, our bodies need to be cared for or they’ll malfunction or get out of tune or simply become less useful. You know, these things happen gradually. My experience has been that I gain weight 5 pounds at a time and unless I watch for this to happen I’m suddenly 30 pounds over weight!
You have to purpose to be healthy. Scripture uses the phrase “hold fast” to remind us to focus on being purposed and aware of our movement forward toward our goal.
Think of a sports competition. In the heat of the battle if we see or feel ourselves slipping or falling behind, we don’t wait to fix it, we adjust immediately. We hold fast.
A good friend of mine is a guy who keeps himself in great shape. He works at a job where heavy lifting and standing is all day long. He volunteers doing heavy work, he stair steps for over an hour most days and plays golf routinely. Most times he plays 36 holes and has been known to carry his clubs.
A guy in great shape, so we thought.
Suddenly, a week ago, he starts to feel winded, weak, and painful in the chest. He, like most of us, felt like he was just out of sorts that day. After all, a week earlier he carried his clubs for 18 holes and felt fine. But when it continued a few more times, he didn’t wait, he held fast and went to see the doctor. Long story short, he quickly ended up having a quadruple by pass and is recovering well.
He’s just one story of many we all know about those who survived or sadly those who didn’t.
Guys, let’s hold fast and dig in to prevent so many disasters from taking place. Let’s drive a stake today and be proactive rather than reactive.
Right now,
make an appointment to see the doctor for a thorough physical.
Look at your mirrored reflection after a shower and decide how you’re going to tune up.
Step back and look at your wife and figure out how you’re going to give more of yourself to her.
Spend more time with your kids and loved ones.
Draw closer to God. BTW, this should be your first step. Matthew 6:33 says that if we put God first in every situation, He will bless the outcome.
Then, the next time someone asks, “ How’s it going?” We can answer that we have our heals dug in and life is improving by God’s grace.
Anybody have a story to share?
Good advice Steve. Very good