We all have moments in our life. A moment brought us into this life and a moment will carry us out. In between we have many moments. Some are ordinary and some are special, but we all experience that same moment together.
A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned how George Carlin gave the example of the moment that is out there rapidly approaching us until it suddenly arrives and passes us by.
How many moments have passed you by and with it opportunities have passed as well? Some times we can’t make up for that missed moment and other times we grab onto it and make the most of it’s offer.
You and I have both had our moment which brought us into this world along with so many moments which have helped to define who we are. But, there’s still an approaching moment for each of us some where out there, seeming to approach very slowly but will arrive and pass us very quickly. A moment we should prepare for since it will usher us out of this world and into eternity. That moment is going to come for all of us. It has been said, that a survey shows, 100% of everyone living will at some moment exit this life.
When is it coming and where will it take us?
Suggestions I’ve heard:
We don’t know when the moment will arrive.
The moment takes us no where, it just ends and our time is up,
We continue on into another life,
We go to heaven.
We go to heaven or hell.
Numbers 1 and number 5 above are my choices, so, I must prepare for the moment to arrive and for the direction I wish to go in afterwards.
Preparations which need to be made:
Do I believe:
God exists?
He is in control ?
He has a plan? A plan to care for us?
He uses those who believe He exists?
His Word, the Bible, is truth and He inspired men to write His Word?
What He says is true.
Our existence is eternal, whether we believe God or not?
There is a place called heaven where God exists and a place called hell where He does not exist.
Jesus is the one and only Son of God and according to John 3:16 was sent to earth to die a death of crucifixion as penalty for the sins of mankind. He was then buried, after which on the 3rd day was raised from the dead. He then returned to God the Father where He is seated at the right hand of God and is Lord of Lords.
Mankind is saved from the punishment for sin by agreeing with God that they have sinned against Him, making a heartfelt request for forgiveness, and believing that Jesus is Lord, paid the punishment for their sins, and there is no other way to heaven than through Jesus Christ.
So what are you thinking in this moment? Please give it some thought. Don’t let the moment pass. Your eternal existence depends upon it.
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Send me an email to SteveZ@averageguyministries.com
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Words to live by. Thank you