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Writer's pictureSteve Ziemblicki

Do You Believe in God?

Look around you, look at yourself, think of the past and of the future. What say you?

Did all this just happen or is there a creator? If you think there is a creator and that God really exists, then do you believe Him? I mean if He exists don’t you want to know why? Don’t you want to know more about His plans? His next move? Do you have questions?

You know there’s a book that talks about God and His creation plan. A book that He authored by inspiring individuals to write down His words that tell the story. Not only the story but also a guide to live in such a way that we can be in His presence now and forever. A book that lays out the plans He has for you to prosper while living this life here on earth.

Do you believe this?

If you are having trouble believing I suggest you ask Him yourself. Don’t believe because someone tells you to, just ask Him yourself. Hey, if you believe He exists then what is the problem?

Get alone in a place that you won’t be disturbed, clear your mind and sincerely reach out to Him. Ask Him your questions. Ask Him to show you that He exists.

That’s what I did and let me tell you that He is not only approachable but He answers.

He says in His book,

Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Check out our Blog Post from Dec 2018, "A Knock at the Door"

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His love is endless, limitless and reliable. He will not abandon us, that is assured and he is the GREAT DELIVER. He promises us that he provides us exactly what we need not always what we ask for. It is great comfort that we have a God who loves us.


Jan 28

Thank you for sharing. The message is so to the point. How amazing that the creator of the universe wants to know know me. His word is truth and path to Him and a guide for our lives. Thank you again for these insights

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