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Holy Week

We saw this past Sunday, Palm Sunday, that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to the cheers and celebration of people gathered to celebrate Passover.

In reading through the gospels we know that some people knew and loved Him, some were ready to party with anyone for any reason, some hated His presence while others were oblivious.

As we continue to recount the actions of Jesus, during this last week of His human life, continue also to put yourself into the story. Read the scripture verses we referenced in last week's blog over each day. Yes, all 4 of them and allow yourself to blend each of them with each other to see all the details.

  1. Where was Jesus on each day during this week?

  2. Who did He talk to? What did He do? (I'm thinking that He knew He would die in the next few days and so what He was doing and what He was saying was probably very important for us to know.)

  3. Who are you in this story?

  4. Are you realizing things you never knew before regarding the text and/or your relationship with Jesus?

  5. Take time to pray, repent, and praise as needed.

  6. Remember, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

  7. In the scipture above, John 3:16, God gives Jesus to the whole world, but only the "whoevers" will be saved. If you are a "whoever" then everything Jesus did during this week is for you.

If you are reading this and you have not confessed that Jesus is Lord and you want to be a "whoever" but still have hesitation or questions, either contact me or call to talk with someone at 1-800-NeedHim.

Check in for our continuation of Holy Week, this Friday.

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