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Why I Believe God is Unbelievable

  • Caitlan Clarke consistently hit 3 point shots from nearly half court. It’s unbelievable, but I saw it with my own eyes.

  • My wife picked me and has stayed by my side for fifty years. This is unbelievable, for sure, but I experienced it.

  • Fifty years have passed since Pittsburgh Steelers running back Franco Harris snagged the "Immaculate Reception" to propel his team to a 1972 AFC playoff victory. This catch was unbelievable but it happened and I saw it happen.

  • After returning from the moon, astronauts from Apollo 11—Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins—had to go through customs. Unbelievable but someone saw it and wrote it down.

  • When you do a Google query, 1000 computers are used to find the answer in 0.2 seconds.

These things are unbelievable because they are incredible. Over the top to the point that are brain is strained. All these things are unbelievable but we believe them because we either saw them, experienced them ourselves, or heard about them from a credible source. We may not have believed them right off but after doing some research the truth erased our disbelief and in our amazement we compliment them by saying they are unbelievable.

God is credited with being and doing the incredible. He has done what we can never fathom. Created the universe in 6 days, came from heaven to earth to pay the penalty for our sinfullness, resurrected from the dead and returned to heaven, gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us, and inspired those who saw Him and experienced Him to write about what they witnessed. This is unbelievable.

In my atheist days, I turned my back on it all because I chose the unbelief. But God is so unbelievably gracious and loving that even though I was in disbelief He continued to call to me. Deep within myself I could feel an urging to look deeper.

I came across these scripture verses,

Jeremiah 29:13

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Matthew 7:7-8

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

And so, I prayed to a God I did not believe existed with a pointed desire to really know for sure if He was there and I’m here to tell you that He answered. Not audibly, not with a lightning bolt, and no angels but with a progressive day by day realization of His presence. A desire within me to know Him more led me to read AND understand the Bible. A desire, I never had or wanted, to address the strongholds in my life prompted and helped me say no to them them one by one. My life unbelievably changed.

The only answer I can give is that God heard me asking, seeking, and knocking, and being true to His word responded.

He is unbelievable.

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